About Us
About The Ministry
About the Ministry:
Harvesters For Christ Crusade/Outreach was revealed from heaven to God’s servant on the 28 of June 2001 at 9pm at the eve of the of the discipling the nations ministry in Buea(D.N.M).
The Lord gave Apostle Samuel Kinge an open vision of a ministry that was carrying the gospel of salvation,deliverance and unity of the church from one nation and community to another.
Harvesters For Christ after many other visions and encounters in the years has been raised by God to win souls through evangelistic campaigns, follow ups, inter church revivals and unity in various communities in Cameroon and India.
The Lord has confirmed his power with tangible miracles and signs and wonders as a prove of his calling in his servants life.
The Founder of the ministry believes that this ministry is going to usher the coming of Christ in this end times. The ministry is a none denominational apostolic ministry with the mandate to win souls for Christ by depopulating hell and populating Heaven. The purpose as well is to bring about total healing and deliverance to communities and nations and as well to unite the churches as one body and spur it to fulfill the greatest commission which is global evangelism, deliverance and discipleship which is instructed by Jesus in the book of Luke,10:1-2, Matt,28:18-19,Mark,16:15-18.
This impact has been felt in countries like Nigeria,India and many more.
The Founder believes Jesus is coming soon so there’s a need for radical and rapid evangelism and there’s the need for a sleeping church to wake up from spiritual slumber and fulfill the courses of the kingdom.
The ministry also has Bible school, Harvesters Bible Institute,(School of Missions and Practical Ministry), with the vision to raise men and women of God to understand and fulfill their calling and purpose from God.
The Founder of the ministry is Apostle Samuel Kinge(D.M),and the ministry Headquarters is in Cameroon, Africa.
The ministry also has branches in India and the Headquarters is in Agra(U.p). There are other nations that God is invading to establish his work there.

Our Groups
Partnership Info
We invite you to be our prayer partner in this ministry. We need your constant prayers as we move to the nations, communities and villages to preaching the gospel of Christ,To win souls for God and raise them in the Kingdom.
2. I also invite you to be a covenant seed partner to this ministry. Remember any seed you sow in the Kingdom to win souls will never be forgotten by God. We are the goers and we need you as a sender to help us preach this gospel where it hasn’t been preached. As you sow your seed,You can also send us specific prayer request and the Apostle will pray for you live on the prayer wall.
3. This ministry is opened to the nations. If you have the heart to win souls for Jesus and you haven’t gotten a ministry who’s heart goes after soul Winning,this is the platform. You are free to join this ministry; Just indicate through the contact, communicate your intentions and we’ll get back to you.
We will preach where no one has preached and we’ll dare to go where others are afraid to because our lives are sold out to God and for this cause.
Apostle Samuel Kinge