Welcome to Harvester for Christ Crusade Ministry. Fulfilling The Great Commission.
We Stand for Salvation, discipleship Healing, Deliverance, Restoration and unity in the body of Christ. Luke,10:1-2,Mark,16:15-18, Matthew,28:18-19
Welcome to HCCO
Salvation, discipleship Healing, Deliverance, Restoration and unity in the body of Christ. Luke,10:1-2,Mark,16:15-18, Matthew,28:18-19- Harvesters For Christ Crusade;Fulfilling The Great Commission.

Message From the Founder.
The purpose of the cross is the salvation of souls. The purpose of the great commission is for salvation and discipleship. The entirety of ministry is summed up in this three things, Serve God,win souls for him and serve his people as unto him. Our titles makes no meaning if we’re not fulfilling the great commission,Our big churches make no meaning if we are not winning souls and teaching them the whole truth in Gods word.It makes no meaning of people are not heaven going and they’re not about the fathers business.
We were saved to save other’s,Any believer in Christ Jesus is commissioned with the ministry of reconciliation to reconcile men back to God. This signs will only follow those who believe,who go to the field and declare the message of salvation and the soon coming of Christ and making disciples.
This is Harvesters For Christ Crusade, Here we are sold out to God. Our cause is the cause of the Kingdom,Our passion is to fulfill God’s purpose for us on earth. We want to see Heaven populated and hell depopulated.
In this end times we are uniting the churches and educate her about the true meaning of the ecclesia of GOD and how to fulfill it’s mandate on earth.
Where ever the spirit goes we will go,Our lives are useless without living it for God as we are sold out to this vision and we are passionate about serving GOD.
The King’s business requires haste and the harvest is plenty with few labourers, You’re welcome to joining this Kingdom labour force as we reach communities, cities and nations for our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST.
Founder and Watchman,
Apostle Samuel Kinge (D.M).
Maranatha!! Come LORD
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